
Walker's Version

My Sci-Fi monsters name is Duo. He is pretty much two people fused together. He is about the same height as an average man. Duo stands at about 6 feet tall. Duo has a kind heart to some people, mostly males. He does not like noise or fire. Duo was meant to guard protected positions but he got bored of doing that after hundreds of years. He cooled down and started being a little nicer. Duo is nice when you first meet him but if he smells evil or doe not like your attitude then he will most likely eat you. He doe not have any hair on his head, this is because he has two heads. He has two brains but they both work together instead of being separate. His brains combine to make one very smart brain. Duo eats people or meat, although it doe not really matter to him if its people or animals. Duo does have big and sharp teeth but he rarely uses them. The only time he uses them is when he wants food. Sometimes Duo's eyes change colors. They are red most of the time and change in the night to being blue. When he looks into the sun they turn yellow. Duo wishes he was normal like every other person but he will never be, due to his two heads and body's fussed together. Now that Duo doe not work as a guard anymore he is shy to most people. He is skittish and gets scared very easily. Duos body is like any other persons body besides the fact that he has two body's. He has four arms and four legs. Duo thinks of himself as two people. He is very smart almost two times as smart as any normal human. Duo's hands are nothing like peoples hands. Duo has very sharp fingers and a couple less then any human. He has two fingers on one hand and four on another. His feet and legs are short and kind of stubby his feet are not like any humans feet, they are skinny and short. Duo can run fast because all four of his legs work together to make him run very fast. He can almost out run a car going 50 MPH. Over hundreds of years Duo has evolved into a different monster then he was. He has a kinder heart now and doesn't work as a guard anymore. If you stay on Duos good side he is very friendly and nice.