Winter Break

This winter break was a lot of fun. A couple days after school got out my aunt came here from England. She was here when the week we had the most snow. It was fun seeing her since the last time I saw her I was in Hawaii. On Christmas Eve like every Christmas Eve my parents had a Christmas Party. It was pretty fun, I had a good time. On Christmas morning I woke up at ten. I already knew what I got because my mom told me to order it so I didn't really have anything to look forward to. On new years day my dad and I left at eight in the morning and started the six hour drive to Whistler BC. I wanted to do some snowboarding and use my new snowboard. When we got over the border my dad wanted to exchange his money. The only exchange store was on the other side of the road. So thinking nothing of it we turned around and went over there. After we got some food and money we left and the only way out was back towards the border. There was a huge line of cars and we didn't realize that after going to the exhange shop you have to go ovethe border again. We found a road that didn't have any cars on it and went down it but it was for workers only and the guy at the border got really mad and he turned us around and we had to go back around and over the border. But once we got to Whistler it was really cool. The hotel was in Whistler Village and it was right in the middle of everything. I went for a walk down the main street and there were a bunch of people and shops. It's a really cool place to go. I was there for four days. On the second day I went snowboarding. I thought it was going to be really fun with my new really nice board. Once we got to the top of the lift my board wans't ajugsted right so I had to stop and move the bindings a bit over and over till they were in the right spot. It took a while but I got better and more used to the board. A little later that day I took the lift to the top of Whistler Mountian. At the top there is a lot of music and a big lodge to eat in. From there I took the Peak 2 Peak lift over to Blackcomb Mountian. Blackcomb has better snow so I ate lunch and went down the mountian. It was pretty fun going down most of the way but I still have some getting used to with my new board. But over all it was a really fun trip. I really want to go again soon. The four days went by really quick and I hope that I get to go on more differnt slopes and see more of Canada.


Adam Baesler said...

Nice blog Walker. Sounds like you had a great winter break. Going to the Dominican Republic sounds like a lot of fun. How did you like it. Anyway cool pictures and see you at school.
