
So everyone i think you should comment my blog. I am in Snelling's room watching movies and i am pretty bored, everyone's yelling and its funny! So I don't have a lot of comment and I think you need to comment this because if your reading this you are probably bored because this is a really boring post so basically your bored, right? Well since you are you need to comment some of my posts or tell me what other types of posts I should write because I need ideas! I am watching this video about "TED" i guess its called and its about little 2 year old kids making toys and wow... its really funny! This random kid just jumped off of the top bunk bed... But hes talking about raising kids so they don't die from little things before they become old! Wait... never mind he just said for kids to play with fire!!! So maybe he wants kids to die... I don't know but when my parents would leave I would play with fire!!! One time i was playing with the stove and I figured how to lite it and i put my hand on it and got a 2nd deg burn... But this video we just watched this crazy guy decided to swallow a sword... Looks cool and would be fun to do but if you did it wrong it would probably hurt a little... But back to the main thing. You should comment my blog because i am bored and comments are awesome!!! If you comment mine i comment yours good deal? Yup! Ok so COMMENT A POST!!!


Adam Baesler said...

Um.... I don't know what to say. Nice blog but maybe next time you should talk about something. How about talking about your favorite movie? Possibly you could talk about a trip or vacation you had. Anyway good luck next time.


Lillianna said...

NICE entry! That was smart to put your hand on the stove.:D Hope you had fun watching that video. Did you have to go to the hospital when you got burned?! Did you put your hand on the stove when your parents weren't home!??

Walker L. said...

Haha no i didn't have to go to the hospital i just put it under water for like an hour or maybe i stuck my hand in the fridge i don't remember but ya my mom was home!