Presentation Reflection

Did you stand up straight but stay relaxed?
Yeah, I stood up straight but I was still relaxed. I tried to be as relaxed as possible but sometime it was kind of hard to focus.

Did you pause for a moment before you began your speech?
Yeah, I waited till it loaded then started speaking. Mr. B cut my presentation so there were a couple seconds before I started to speak.

Did you look at your audience?
I looked around the room. Sometimes at the computer or Mr. B I was also looking at a lot of the people looking at me.

Did you let your facial expressions naturally reflect what you were saying?
For the most part yes but some of the parts you couldn't really tell. You can't see my face super well but you can tell I am trying to express what I am talking about.

Did you use your hands?
Yeah, I moved them to describe things. I also showed where things were on the screen or just flailed my arms.

Did you speak loudly enough so that everyone could hear you?
Yeah I spoke as loud as I could without yelling! It was kind of hard to tell exactly how loud I was speaking because the speakers aren't that good on this computer.

Did you change your tone to show how you felt (upset, excited) about an idea or to emphasize a point?
Yes I did that a lot. I tired to show and tell with my arms and voice exactly what was going on.

Was your speed of delivery too fast, too slow or just right?
Some parts were a little to fast. But some of them were alright too. It just depended what I was talking about.

Did you practice your speech at home before giving it?
No I didn't. I read it over but i didn't practice it.

What did you notice that you did well in your speech?
I spoke pretty loud. I also tried to use my hands to show what I was talking about.

Describe one aspect of public speaking you will work to improve?
I would like to be more comfortable. I want to be able to just jump up and start speaking off the top of my head sounding great!