Road Trip

Last year my family and i went on a road trip in our motor home across the country, over the summer and part of the school year. We left a week after school got out and started the three month trip. We started following Canada's border for a while then went into Canada and saw Niagara Falls. After that our big stop was Maine and we stayed there with my moms good friends for a couple days. We next went down through New York Our next big stop was in Washington DC we stayed in Maryland for a week with my moms friends. We got to take a tour of the White House and got to go in secret tunnels under ground that the president uses to get around the White House. Some of the tunnels left the White House and went to other parts of Washington DC to other important buildings. We went to Colorado and saw my friend Forrest's band play at the Boulder Theater after that we went to New Mexico and saw my moms friends that used to live on Whidbey. We stayed in New Mexico for only three days but i had a lot of fun. We then we to the Grand Canyon and stayed there for only three nights it was REALLY cold there and they didn't have any camp sites with electrical so we didn't have any heat in the RV and it was about 35 deg outside. We went to California for my birthday and stayed with my Aunt in Yucca Valley. After that we came back to Whidbey on the 30th. Right before holloween

Walker's Adventures #1

On Saturday I wanted to do something fun so me and a Friend decided we were going to go to Oak Harbor. We left and took a bus from Langley to Oak Harbor... This was one of the longest bus rides i have ever been on. It was over and hour and a half long... There was a guy next to us on the bus and he was sleeping but in his back pocket was a knife... My friends got scared and i just laughed! We watched movies and laughed. Finally when we got to Harbor Station, an hour and a half later we were really hungry and we have ten minutes to spare till the bus to "Deception Pass" came... We walked to Whidbey's Coffee thinking of getting some food but they "cripple" that was working was taking the logiest time to make food and drinks. So we got some coffee and left running for the bus... We got on the bus to Deception Pass when it was about 3:30 it took the bus another half hour to get to Deception Pass when the bus never actually got to deception pass because no buses ever went to the bridge we decided we were going to catch a bus back home. The map said that the last bus home was at 4:30... It was 4pm now and we were 30 min from the station... Lucky the bus we were on turned into the bus back to Langley so we were not going to miss the last bus after all and have to stay in oak harbor over night . When we got back we didn't have a way to get to my house from Langley, and it started to rain really hard... We talk the mile to my house in the pouring rain and finally at around 5:30 got home from our long and pointless trip to Deception Pass.


So in this post i am going to talk about how stupid i am! This should be good... Okay for starters when i was 5 i saw the glow of the flames under the stove and thought it would be cool to put my hands in the flames... I put my hand on the stove and got a really bad burn you can still kind of see. Also i am REALLY bad at math. I was working on a homework assignment a couple years ago and i forgot how to multiply, the problem was 9x4. I want to major and business so it will be a lot of work to try to get good grades in math so i can get into business school. Another thing i did was i was 9 and i found a tree in the backyard i didn't like and i wanted to cut it down... My parents were gone and thought it would be fun! I got the latter out and started to cut the base of the tree... The grass around the tree was not flat and i had to hold the tree as i cut so the latter wouldn't fall over. I got tired and let go of the tree and the latter fell and i fell with it, into the deck hitting my head really bad. I really wanted my dad to be happy so i got up put some paper towel on my hands and finished cutting the tree. The last stupid thing i am going to talk about is this. I was at my neighbors house and she wanted me to help her make a salad, remember i was only 7. I was cutting away at the lettuce and i slipped and cut my thumb. I didn't want me neighbor to know so i quickly said "i have to go!" and left. i got home and i looked at my thumb and it was hanging off the end of my finger. I started screaming and my mom had to take me to the hospital.